Fish tacos are incredibly fast to make, healthy, and YUMMY! I usually start by getting my accompaniements all set first, so that some flavors in the sauce have time to 'meld' and because the fish takes no time at all to cook, I leave that for last!
So first, I typically mix up a 'custom' sour cream sauce that works wonderfully with these tacos:
2 tablespoons of sour cream
2 tables spoons of mayo
about 2 teaspoons of lime juice
and usually a dash of Frank's Red Hot Sauce
Mix and let sit in the fridge while you get the rest ready.
2 tablespoons of sour cream
Mix and let sit in the fridge while you get the rest ready.
I prefer to eat these tacos with some fresh salsa and avocado...the kids typically drown them in the 'usual' toppings, which includes onions, cheese, Chi Chis salsa and sour cream. I buy the salsa in the deli section at our 'supermarket' and some avocados to slice up...this can be tricky, as our store doesn't always have that perfectly ripe avocado. And if you don't use avocado a lot (which we seem to) I've included how I slice them up for my tacos.
Slice in half and twist to release. Then I use the largest knife in my drawer and whack it into the pit....
and give it a little turn...
this releases the pit. Now, if the avocado is just the right amount of ripeness, it's easy to just peel off the skin. Sometimes I've used a vegetable peeler as well. If the avocado is too ripe, you're going to end up with a pile of mush when attempted tread carefully in your avocado picking...

Once it's peeled, just slice the halves for inclusion on the yummy taco!
Fresh garlic (with my trusty Pampered Chef Garlic Press)
and about a couple tablespoons of lime juice....
Saute this for a bit and then add your fish....
It's only going to take 6 - 8 minutes for the fish to finish, as both the heat and the lime juice cook it up nicely....and you can add some fresh ground pepper to boot....

Now it's time to assemble your taco - I 'smear' some of the sour cream sauce into my tortilla...
followed by the fish, avocado and salsa....and voila! YUMM!!
We typically have a lettuce salad with this meal as well - and this dressing makes a wonderful accompaniment - ENJOY!
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